possible: adj.1. 可能有的,也许会有[发生]的;潜在的。2.可能实行的,做得到的,想得到的。3.合理的,可以允许的。4.〔口语〕相当的,不坏的;可以接受的;还算过得去的。短语和例子all the assistance possible 一切可能支援。 the highest possible speed 最大速度。 It is possible that he knows. 他
Possible image distortion and scotoma with macular diseases 黄斑病变患者可能看到有变形和出现盲点等现象
We invite all artists to participate and present the best possible image of the actual state of exlibris 我们诚挚地邀请艺术家们提供自己品质最好的藏书票原作,参与展出。
The chinese reporters were warned that they might be ordered to hand over film or video _ a possible image - control measure in case anything went wrong 中国记者被警告在出现情况时必须移交胶片及影象资料。这是他们可能对图象进行控制的一个手段。
The two tasks consisted of pressing the appropriate computer key in response to hearing one of eight possible sounds and uttering an appropriate syllable in response to seeing one of eight possible images 两个任务分别是听到8个可能声音中的一个敲击正确的电脑键盘,和看见8个可能图像中的一个时发出适当的声音。